Friday, July 10, 2009

long sentences with interesting punctuation

life has a funny way of getting out of control sometimes. i paid bills today, the payment will be processed on july 15th. july 15th? where has the year gone?

the last two weeks have been out of control busy. i get up, i swim, i work allllllllllllllllll day. i go home. i feed the dogs. i make dinner. i chill with aaron. i got to bed. i get up. where does the fun fit in?

the weekends are great. punctuation. fun, filled, energy, sun, friends, wine. the weekends are gone.

so. this morning on my way to work i got stopped by a train. ten minutes later, i came to a conclusion:

life is full of long run on sentences with interesting punctutations. trains, babies, celebrations, emergencies, rest, weekends, KaBOOM! grants, shifting priorities etc. but very rarely ended with a period.

life is good. life is busy. life is lived. period.

1 comment:

  1. There are not enough hours in the day to do all the living we want.
