Friday, March 25, 2011

first day of the third trimester

well...the 7th month of pregnancy has arrived. the first day of the third trimester has started. the countdown is on. sometime in the next 12 weeks...and by sometime i mean in 12 weeks, our little one will make his or her grand entrance into the world! his or her kicks are getting stronger by the day and by now the baby weighs about 2.5 pounds. so crazy! i read today that brain grows like crazy during the third trimester. last night i cracked open baby b's copy of charlotte's web. its time to start working on the vocabulary.

i have my 28 weeks appointment on monday. this means the dreaded glucose screening is on the way. after this appointment, i start going every two weeks. again, so crazy! i have been having some trouble with leg cramps and sciatic nerve issues. i imagine this might get worse. but, the pain will be short lived because there are just 12 weeks to go!

my belly is growing and my bathing suit is getting a little small. i need to order a larger size this week. the best part about swimming with a baby in your belly is when he or she is kicking along at the same time. its so neat and special and weird all at the same time. i am so glad that my stamina in the pool is still pretty good. i am swimming at least a mile 3-4 days a week. additionally, i have added workouts at the Y to add some extra cardio to the mix. this helps a lot with my energy.

the highlight of week 28 so far happened this afternoon. aaron got home from work in brunswick. he was gone for a full week this week minus the one hour we had together for lunch on wednesday. dixie and i were in the backyard reading when he got to the house and baby b had been pretty still the entire time we were out there. as soon as aaron got close to me and bent down to talk to dixie and the baby, baby b started kicking. it was almost like he or she heard aaron's voice and got excited. i know that might sound crazy and like a random kick at a random time but i am going to take it like baby b listening to his or her daddy! so sweet!

so bring it on third trimester...this mama is ready for you!

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