Tuesday, April 12, 2011

strong legs

i had my 30 weeks doctors appointment this week. baby b has been super active and i was so curious to find out where he or she is hanging out these days. the doctor shared with me that baby b is totally head down in the "i'm ready" position. his or her little feet are all the way over on the right side of my body. i can feel very strong kicks in my side all day these days. this kid has some strong legs! both aaron and i have really strong legs too so this little person is just like his or her mommy and daddy.

i have gained a total of 7 pounds to date. my mom jokes with me that she gained that much in one week with me! all of that weight is the baby and his or her little habitat. baby b weighs close to 3 pounds already! i did have to give in and wear maternity pants to work today when the skirt i had chosen wouldn't button. but, hey, i am 30 weeks into this journey and still wearing all of my regular clothes. big money saver!

my belly was measuring 31 weeks on monday so a little ahead of where we actually are. the doctor recommended we go ahead and pre-register at the hospital and meet with the pediatrician. ahh!! this is all becoming so real! every time baby b kicks or turns in my tummy i am reminded that in just 10 or so weeks, this little person is going to be here and will mean business!

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